To give you an update on the journey we are on...I had the plan from my doctor and was so excited that we had a "plan." I was to do an ovulation predictor kit for 2 months and then if I wasn't pregnant in 2 months, I would have to get an HSG test done. Month #1 I couldn't do the kit because I never had a cycle! This obviously means I did not ever ovulate. Month #2 I have 2 sticks left of a 20 day ovulation predictor and have not detected an LH surge yet...this means, I have not ovulated and it has been 18 days. I will probably have the HSG test done soon.
I was recently reading a post that I came upon because of a friend from Phi Lamb in college. Mandy's brother and sister-in-law lost their precious baby girl when she was only 3 months old. Jennifer (mandy's sister-in-law) blogs and just recently did an update on the past 7 months and the healing the Lord has done in their hearts. The Lord used her words to give me a new perspective.
The first thing she said that God has taught her is that her husband is her greatest earthly gift! Wow! The night I read her blog, I left a note on Michael's pillow (b/c I went to bed early!) that said "You, Michael, are the greatest earthly gift that I will ever have!" I need to tell him that more often. I love that! The Lord has blessed me so much with a husband on this earth. A relationship that is the greatest earthly blessing!
I got in bed and opened my Bible to Ephesians 1. Ok, Lord I'm hearing You! Ephesians 1 is about our spiritual blessing! We have been given every spiritual blessing in Christ! Oh, Jesus, thank You for the cross. Thank You that through You and in You I have very spiritual blessing.
So, I am joyful and hopeful. I am fully blessed right now, this day!! Praise You Lord!